I’m just a poor person with an active imagination. The characters weren’t mine to begin with – I just borrowed them.
SORRY FOR THE DELAY! This chapter is actually shorter than it was supposed to be. I had another two scenes planned but they would have made the chapter too long –so they’ve been pushed to the next chapter – which will be out by Saturday or Sunday. Sorry for the wait but I will have a busy weekend. Ah and this chapter is a bit boring to me. It’s important but boring. Heehee…(there I go again, self-depreciating). But there’s actually some humour.

NOTE: I changed a few details in CHPs 1&6. KENSHIN DOES NOT HAVE THE CROSS SCAR. And his fireplace is woodburning. And Kaoru comforted him because she understood his struggle to push back bloodlust – just for one night. (HA)
See author's forward.
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Broken Pieces: Chapter 6 - between assignments

by linay

I do not deserve peace

Nor happiness

Nor rest

And these I will never have.

When Kaoru awoke, noontime sunlight was already streaming through the kitchen windows brightly. She squinted groggily and nestled deeper under the soft quilt around her shoulders. Her eyes closed sleepily. She felt warm and safe under the blanket.

Suddenly Kaoru snapped her eyes open and sat up.

The thick white quilt fell away from her shoulders and she discovered herself curled up in Kenshin’s leather armchair.

She could’ve sworn she’d fallen asleep on the floor the night before.

Rubbing her eyes, she swung her legs down and let her bare feet touch the thick, shaggy carpet below. She looked around the room slowly for a sign of her redheaded captor. He was nowhere to be seen. She listened for the sound of running water. There was none.

Pushing the blanket off of her lap, she stood and padded towards the bedroom. Kaoru poked her head into the room and looked around. No one. She crept to the bathroom door and put her ear to the door. When she heard nothing, she pushed the door open with the tip of her toe. The bathroom was cold and dark.

Kaoru furrowed her eyebrows thoughtfully as she made her way back to the living room. She picked up the quilt absent-mindedly and folded it neatly, placing it on an arm of the sofa. Glancing down, she noticed that Kenshin’s bloodied black coat was still lying on the table. She wrinkled her nose in distaste.

Feeling a rumbling in her stomach, she turned towards the kitchenette and wondered what she could rustle up. Her brows shot up in surprise when she laid eyes on the small dinette. A bowl of rice and a small plate of fried tofu were neatly arranged on the table. Kaoru sat, looked around once more and then dived into eating breakfast.

Kenshin stepped into a telephone booth and dropped some coins into the slot. He picked up the receiver and dialled a number quickly.

“Takasugi-san. I’m on the corner of Shiji-dori and Hanamikoji-dori now.”

“Good. We’re on the first floor of the Ichiriki Tea House. Ask for me.”

Battousai hung up and stepped back out onto the street. He scanned the traditional buildings quickly and then strode purposefully across the street towards an exquisite wooden structure.

Takasugi flipped his cell phone closed and placed it on the low table in front of him. He looked up at his companion.

“He’s almost here, Katsura-san.”


“Do you intend to tell him everything?” Takasugi asked, sipping his cup of tea thoughtfully.

“No,” Katsura answered with a shake of his head, “It would ruin everything we’ve built up till now. We have to let it ride on.”

Takasugi set his cup down softly, rubbing his thumb around the lip of the teacup.

“Is it worth the risk?” he asked, his voice serious for once.

“I think so,” Katsura affirmed, picking up his cup, “We owe him that much.” His eyes drifted upwards for a moment. “Ah,” he announced quietly, “Himura is here.”

Indeed, Kenshin had just pushed the curtain of the teahouse entrance aside and was addressing a traditionally clad waitress. The waitress bowed politely and extended an arm towards their small table in the back. Kenshin followed the woman’s arm with his eyes and spotted his two colleagues. Kenshin glided across the room and bowed slightly as he arrived at their table. He knelt silently in front of the low table.

“Ah. As fashionable as ever,” Takasugi jeered, pointing out Kenshin’s nondescript black clothes, “Black as always.”

“How are you doing?” Katsura asked Kenshin.

“Well enough I suppose,” Kenshin answered quietly.

A waitress knelt before their table briefly to deposit a steaming cup of green tea before Kenshin. He cupped one hand around it and stared down. The waitress left promptly.

“And your ongoing assignment?” Katsura enquired.

“Sir,” Kenshin requested politely, “Would you please consider moving her to a safe house?”

Katsura rested his elbows on the table and placed his fingertips together. “Why?” he asked, interested.

Kenshin pursed his lips and remained silent, looking down into his cup. “I think she should leave.”

Takasugi grinned and relaxed his position, crossing his legs and leaning back on his hands. He raised an eyebrow at Katsura across the table.

“Did something happen to make you feel that way?” Katsura asked.

Kenshin looked up. “I’m your assassin,” he answered curtly, “Not your babysitter.”

Katsura raised his eyebrows. It had been a long, long time since Kenshin had ever assumed a curt tone with him. Whenever they interacted, Kenshin had always been subdued and polite. Katsura noted with interest the vehement spark that suddenly appeared in Kenshin’s eyes.

“You seem quite agitated about the subject,” Katsura noted, “Again, did anything happen that would make you so determined to change my orders for you?”

Kenshin looked away sullenly.

“Aha!” Takasugi chortled, “Something must have happened. Or you must have done something interesting, eh, Himura-kun?”

Kenshin shot him an angry look.

“I am sorry, Himura,” Katsura said, placing his hands on the table, “But Kamiya-san must stay with you.”

“Why?” Kenshin asked sharply.

“I need her with you.”

Kenshin stared at his boss incredulously.

“In fact,” he announced, “I have an assignment for you tonight that involves her.”

“How on earth would she be useful?”

“It should be obvious,” Katsura said, his tone lowering, “Imagine what could be done if memory can be extracted and erased.”

“How did you know?” Kenshin asked in surprise.

“We have been keeping notes on Kamiya-san for sometime now.”

“If you wanted to use her all along,” Kenshin questioned, “Then why did you order me to kill her?”

Katsura smiled, lowering his eyes. “We changed our minds. At the moment, she is a valuable asset to the Choshu organization.”

Kenshin’s eyes narrowed ever so slightly, his fine-tuned senses noticing the slight trace of hesitation that passed over Katsura’s face.

“In any case,” Katsura said, pushing himself up, “I’m sure you will be able to handle it.” He stood and turned away. “Takasugi will explain your assignment. Good day.”

Kenshin watched Katsura’s stately figure leave the teahouse. Katsura Kogoro was a born leader - tall and handsome, dignified and well spoken. His low voice radiated authority despite its softness. His eyes were stern yet calm.

Katsura Kogoro - a powerful man of in the government and in the underworld.

“Hey,” Takasugi waved his hand in front of Kenshin’s vague eyes, “Hey Himura, stop daydreaming! I don’t have all day to tell you what I want to.”

Kenshin blinked and turned to look at Takasugi. Takasugi slid a black envelope across the table. Kenshin quickly put his hand over the envelope and pulled it off the table, tucking it into his back pocket.

“Tonight,” Takasugi said, “You have a rather strange assignment.”

“How can it get any stranger?”

Takasugi leaned back again, picking his teeth absent-mindedly with a toothpick. “Believe me, Himura,” he drawled lazily, “It’s going to be really weird tonight.”

“I’ve worked for you for twelve years. What could be so special about tonight?”

“For one, I’ll be going with you,” Takasugi snorted, “And second - so will that chick.”

Kenshin’s clay teacup came down on the table with a loud thud. He stared at Takasugi’s lazy face in shock.

“What if she runs away? Or gets killed?” he exclaimed.

Takasugi chuckled at Kenshin’s violent reaction. “What do you care anyway,” he said with a huge smirk.

Kenshin’s eyes narrowed. “I don’t,” he spat, “But Katsura-san does.”

“That’s why I’m coming,” Takasugi smirked.

“Then why is she coming?”

“Oh come on, Himura,” Takasugi sniggered, “You should be able to figure that one out. Do you know what happened to Genji after that little episode of hers?”

Kenshin shook his head.

“Well,” Takasugi explained, “That poor fuck couldn’t even remember coming over to your apartment. He couldn’t even remember the face of the whore he screwed in the morning.” He chewed on his toothpick for a moment. “Not like that’s out of the ordinary though.”

“And?” Kenshin prompted.

“And you are a shadow assassin, remember?” Takasugi reminded him, smirking, “And taking along a chick that can erase the memory of any witnesses might come in handy.”

“Don’t we usually just kill any witnesses?”

“Not this time around,” Takasugi answered, “This is a slightly special case. Katsura doesn’t want any unnecessary civilians killed off.”

Kenshin sighed. He knew that he would not enjoy his assignment for the night. Dread began to knot in his stomach as he prepared to ask the next question.

“It’s not a drug dealer or an arms dealer or a gang member tonight, is it?” he sighed, defeated.

“No,” came Takasugi’s simple reply.

Kenshin knew better than to ask why or who or what. He knew that whatever decision had been made - no matter how brutal - would eventually lead to a better Kyoto. He knew that sacrifices were necessary. He also knew that he had chosen to bear the burden of spilling the blood of the sacrifices.

Takasugi stood, grunting good-naturally as he cracked his joints. “The information is in the envelope. I’ll pass by your place. The time is in the envelope.”

Kenshin looked up as Takasugi dropped a small wad of bills on the table.

“And Himura,” Takasugi added, casting him a cocky grin, “Don’t forget the girl.”

Without another word, Takasugi sauntered out of the teahouse, leaving Kenshin to his tea and his thoughts. Kenshin sipped the tea slowly, waiting a quarter of an hour before rising.

Then he too left the Ichiriki Teahouse.

Aoshi sat silently in the hospital bed, his mouth set in a hard line. His eyes were closed and his short black hair fell over his eyes. His breathing was regular and controlled.

But his insides were in turmoil.

His charge had been stolen from underneath his very nose. Worse, he had been found in a closet - Kaoru nowhere to be found.


Aoshi did not respond, so lost was he in his thoughts.

“Aoshi!” Megumi repeated, snapping her fingers in front of his downcast face.

“Megumi-san,” Aoshi stated quietly, lifting his head to stare at the wall, “Where is she?”

Megumi sighed and sat on the chair beside the bed, turning to stare at the most interesting wall.

“We haven’t located her,” she answered softly.

“When can I leave?”

Megumi snorted, flipping her hair over her shoulders. “You’ve sustained considerable injuries. You won’t be out of that bed for another week.”

“When the mind is willing-”

“The body is weak,” Megumi finished for him, “No, you cannot force yourself. You’d be of no use anyway. She’s been taken by Battousai.”

“I know. But I will get her back.”

“I hope the stupid raccoon is alright.”

“It is likely that she is alive,” Aoshi stated quietly, “Otherwise we would have found her body already.”

“How can you be sure?” Megumi fretted.

“As far as I know, if her body has not turned up by now, they must have discovered a use for her.”

“Then she must be in hell.”

Aoshi’s perpetual frown deepened. “Her ability is one that many would exploit without realizing the effects on her body.”

“That is obvious,” Megumi agreed, her voice tinged with anger, “She is still recovering from the rat experiment.”

Aoshi’s gaze hardened as he stared down the wall.

“But what I cannot understand,” he murmured, “Is why Battousai did not finish me when I am sure it was obvious where I was hidden. And more strangely, why he did not kill Kaoru - when that was precisely what he intended to do in the first place.”

“Perhaps he found her too cute?” Megumi half-joked.

“Doubtfully,” Aoshi responded, “I have only heard rumours of the Battousai but from what I have heard, he is not one to be swayed.”

“Maybe Kaoru erased his memory?”

“Also highly unlikely,” Aoshi reasoned, “If he had been intent on killing her, she would not have had even the chance to lift her hand.”

Megumi let out a long sigh. “The boss doesn’t seem too worried for some reason,” she commented dryly, “But then, when is he ever worried?”

Aoshi turned to look at her suddenly. “That is actually quite unexpected.”

Megumi looked up in surprise.

“Kaoru was his prime concern up until her kidnapping. And she was quite a prized asset in his eyes, I believe.”

Megumi furrowed her eyebrows. “What are you getting at?”

“Nothing in particular,” Aoshi said, turning back towards the wall, “Only that his reaction is very unusual.”

Megumi digested Aoshi’s comments, trying to wrap her mind around a possible explanation. Her thoughts were interrupted by his low voice.

“What are his orders for me?”

“None - except,” Megumi deepened her voice in imitation, “ ‘ to get your stupid ninja ass out of bed by the end of the week’ or something like that. Although,” Megumi huffed, “I think that is way too soon. You won’t be out of this room for another few days. And if you even think about going after Battousai before I say you can,” she warned, wagging a finger at him, “You’ll never be able to kick again.”

Aoshi acknowledged her with a curt nod. Then the two lapsed into silence again, watching the white, dreary hospital room wall.

It was nearing eight in the evening when Kenshin decided to lift himself from his armchair again. Kaoru was in the bathroom, hanging her soaking school uniform from the towel racks. And probably dripping water all over the floor too. Kenshin sighed when he recalled the events of their afternoon.

When he had slipped into his apartment, Kaoru had been waiting.

“I want to clean my clothes,” she had demanded.

Even though Kenshin had graced her with his coldest death glare, she had not backed down. Of course he knew, by her delicate hands, that she probably had never done laundry by hand in her life. His suspicion had been confirmed when he heard her sloshing her clothes around uselessly in a full tub of hot water.

Deciding that it was a battle better not fought, he had simply retired to his beloved armchair to stare at his swords and listen to her drawn out attempts to cleanse her clothes of the blood.

He could’ve helped her, he supposed, but she probably would have refused his help anyway. And he didn’t really feel like giving the teenager a lesson in house keeping.

Kenshin really felt odd.

Nevertheless, he rose from his armchair and headed for the bathroom.

“Hey,” he called, pushing open the door with one hand, “Get dressed.”

Kaoru turned from the towel rack where she had just finished hanging her skirt. “What?”

“Get dressed,” Kenshin repeated.

“But I can’t!” she exclaimed, “My clothes are still wet!”

“Then wear other clothes,” Kenshin said bluntly, turning to walk away.

“Hey!” Kaoru shouted after his retreating form, “Hey you! I don’t have any other clothes.”

After throwing a match into the fireplace, Kenshin shot her a condescending look. “Sure you do,” he said, “Takasugi-san gave you his sister’s clothes.”

Kenshin was sure he saw steam begin to rise from Kaoru’s head. She squared her shoulders and stomped off. He sighed and pulled out the black envelope.

Coming at 8:30 p.m. Directions then.

ohma Yuki. Everyone but the civilian woman.

Kenshin stared at the paper for a moment before tossing it into the flames. On top of everything, he would have to drag that girl along. He restrained a sigh.

“Hey you!” Kaoru shouted, barging up to him, “I can’t wear these!” She pulled out a white tank top. “It’s indecent!”

Kenshin looked back at her with one eyebrow raised uncaringly. “I don’t care. Deal with it.”

Kaoru’s face screwed up into a very irritated grimace. “Why do I have to get dressed anyway?”

“Because you’re coming with me.”

“Why?” Kaoru huffed angrily, “So more of your buddies can assault me?”

“No,” Kenshin replied, glaring daggers at the girl, “Because my boss wants you to come along.”

“Oh that’s right,” Kaoru said, throwing her hands in the air and walking towards the bedroom, “You just do whatever your boss tells you too. Don’t you wish you could think for yourself?”

Kenshin practiced great restraint at that moment. Anger boiled up in his throat and he felt like slapping the girl for her insolence. But he gathered years of self-discipline up into a ball and forced himself to look away from her.

Takasugi would arrive at 8:30 p.m.

That did not leave him much time.

Kaoru slammed the door behind her and threw the pink plastic bag onto the bed. She began to pull various articles of clothing out, tossing them over her shoulder. Mentally, she cursed Takasugi for being the indecent prick he was.

Suddenly she stopped, holding up a tiny piece of chiffon cloth. It was… It was…

“A thong!?” Kaoru exclaimed indignantly, tossing it across the room angrily.

If it were meant as a joke, Kaoru definitely did not find it funny.

Snorting angrily, Kaoru finally chose the most decent outfit she could find. And to her, it wasn’t even decent. Muttering angrily to herself, Kaoru pulled on a tiny jean skirt and the tight white tank top. She rummaged through the mess of clothes on the floor and pulled out her black school loafers, which she had discarded on her first night there.

Kaoru smoothed out the wrinkles in the clothes and looked up briefly in the mirror. The white tank top hugged her chest tightly and the short demin skirt fit closely around her hips and upper thighs. She shivered slightly, wondering if she’d be cold with so little material to cover her. Pursing her lips, she combed her fingers through her hair and tied it up in a high ponytail. Steeling herself, she exited the room.

When Kaoru exited the room, Kenshin was already dressed for action. Both of his swords hung at his waist and his black cloak was draped over his lean body. As she came out, he turned to look at her, his bright red hair swishing from his high ponytail and his glittering amber eyes cold. Kaoru’s breath caught in her throat at the sight of the dangerous man. She froze, staring.

Kenshin, on the other hand, turned at the sound of movement to see a very “unteenager-like” girl emerge from his room. The tight, revealing tank top and skirt she was wearing accentuated her curves and her toned body. Kenshin briefly wondered if she was involved in sports. Her hair was up and the black waves cascaded over bare shoulders. There was just too much creamy white skin showing. Kenshin fought back the urge to swallow. Instead he stared at her numbly.

Damn that Takasugi.

Thankfully a loud, sharp knock at the door interrupted their staring.

Kenshin headed for the door a moment later but not before Takasugi let himself in, throwing the door open rambunctiously.

“Did I interrupt something?” he asked, teasing. Then he looked Kaoru up and down. “Oh my,” he crooned playfully, “The little lady is looking quite hot tonight.”

Kaoru blushed angrily, her face screwing up angrily.

“Hey, hey!” Takasugi said, lifting his hands, “It’s a compliment, chick. A compliment.”

“You…” Kaoru stuttered, desperately looking for some devastating insult to throw at him.

“Good comeback,” Takasugi laughed dryly, taking away her chance. He sauntered around the room, “Ready to go Himura?”

“Yes,” Kenshin responded coolly.

“Good,” Takasugi said, disappearing into the bedroom, “Just let me get something in here.”

Kaoru’s hands suddenly flew to her mouth. Kenshin watched on calmly.

“Whoa!” Takasugi suddenly yelled from inside the room, “Have you guys been busy or what?”

Kenshin strode over to the room curiously while Kaoru stayed frozen in place, her hands still covering her mouth.

“You dog,” Takasugi laughed, holding up the thong that Kaoru had tossed to the floor, “Never knew you had it in you.”

Kaoru blushed more furiously than she ever had before.

Kenshin stared dumbly at Takasugi.

Takasugi roared with laughter, spinning the little pink thong around his pinky.

End of chapter 6, to be continued!
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